Narcan/Naloxone is a medication that can reverse opioid overdoses. Narcan is the nasal spray which is the name brand. Naloxone is the inter-muscular which is the generic brand that comes with a vile of the medication and a syringe. Both are the same, but administered differently.
Olive Branch Ministry partners with NCHRC (North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition) for their naloxone distribution program. Since the Overdose Prevention Project (OPP) became operational August 1, 2013 NCHRC has dispensed over 101,000 free overdose rescue kits that include naloxone (as of 01/20/2019) & have received 13,394 confirmed reports that the life saving medication was administered successfully by lay individuals.
While we would like to distribute free overdose rescue kits to everyone, the reality of a limited budget requires our agency to prioritize people with a high risk for overdose.
Free overdose rescue kits are only available to the following groups of people; active IV drug users, people on medication-assisted treatment, people who are formerly incarcerated with a history of opiate use, people engaged in sex work or people who identify as transgender.
Anyone may administer Naloxone to someone they believe to be experiencing an overdose. You do not have to be a medical provider. All parties are immune from civil or criminal liability so long as they act in good faith. The medication is not addictive and is so safe that even if you are not sure if the person is overdosing, giving the medication will not harm them; however, it only reverses opioids. Meaning that if the person has alcohol or another substance in their system, more than likely they can still wake up with the effects of that substance
Check out this video to see how to administer Naloxone/Narcan