More than half of the opioid related drug overdoses are a result of a synthetic opioid called fentanyl being added to substances, which is 50x-100x stronger than morphine.
We provide test strips to test substances for fentanyl so that people can make an informed choice about their drug use. We believe this is a tool that helps prevent overdose.
If the test is positive then one can choose to go slow and use less, carry naloxone and have someone with them to call 911 in case they go out. We believe in keeping folks alive. The only person who can’t recover is a dead person.
Check out this short video for basic instructions on how to use Fentanyl test strips.
Chad Sabora, co-founder of the Missouri SAFE project and pharmacologist, Dr. Sarah Sottille, Ph.D., put a stop to these rumors about overdosing by mere skin contact.